Jumat, 01 November 2013

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Miranda, by Susan Wiggs

Miranda, by Susan Wiggs

Miranda, by Susan Wiggs

Download Ebook Miranda, by Susan Wiggs

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Miranda, by Susan Wiggs



In Regency London, a woman escapes from a burning warehouse only to realize she doesn't know her own identity. Although the locket around her neck bears the name Miranda, she has no recollection of her past. Nor does she know why two very different men want her—the devilishly handsome Scotsman Ian MacVane, and Lord Lucas Chesney, the nobleman who claims to be her betrothed.  

In a race against time to discover who she is and which man she can trust, Miranda embarks on a soul-stirring journey that takes her from the dazzling salons of London to the craggy Highlands of Scotland. All of her beliefs—about herself, her world and the nature of love—are tested to their limits as she seeks the truth about her past and finds an unexpected passion that ignites the hidden fires within….

  • Sales Rank: #121283 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-27
  • Released on: 2015-10-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.53" h x .88" w x 4.24" l, .33 pounds
  • Binding: Mass Market Paperback
  • 336 pages

"Wiggs's storytelling is heartwarming...clutter free...[for] romance and women's fiction readers of any age."

-Publishers Weekly

"Susan Wiggs writes with bright assurance, humor and compassion."

-Luanne Rice

"Wiggs's talent is reflected in her thoroughly believable characters as well as the way she recognizes the importance of family by blood or other ties."

-Library Journal

"Susan Wiggs paints the details of human relationships with the finesse of a master."

-Jodi Picoult

About the Author

Susan Wiggs is the author of many beloved bestsellers, including the popular Lakeshore Chronicles series. She has won many awards for her work, including a RITA from Romance Writers of America. Visit her website at www.SusanWiggs.com.

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Another excellent read of Susan's
By Carol
I especially enjoy Susan Wiggs and wish she would get on the writing track again, as I'm missing her new books. However, recently I have had to find her more obsure books.

Occasionally, there is a diamond in the rough.. Ok this is so this is not too rough .. it is a polished mystery romance and an excellent read with interesting characters and intrigue. Sorry I could not agree with the person that said it had too much mystery?? Hummm... I guess that what makes us all different. I think you would like it if you have enjoyed other somewhat complex novels of Susan's. I was surprised to find it and delighted to enjoy it so much! Good luck finding a copy.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
By Terri McManemy
LOVED IT!!! I wish there was a sequel!!! I just keep thinking about it...ws sad when I finished ....I wanted it to continue.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great Reading! Hard to Put Down!
At first I didn't think I would like it since it is back in 1800's. But I really liked it & found it very interesting & hard to put down.

See all 16 customer reviews...

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[X844.Ebook] Download Ebook Miranda, by Susan Wiggs Doc
[X844.Ebook] Download Ebook Miranda, by Susan Wiggs Doc

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