Minggu, 30 November 2014

[A347.Ebook] Ebook Download Tempting Fate: A Novel, by Jane Green

Ebook Download Tempting Fate: A Novel, by Jane Green

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Tempting Fate: A Novel, by Jane Green

Tempting Fate: A Novel, by Jane Green

Tempting Fate: A Novel, by Jane Green

Ebook Download Tempting Fate: A Novel, by Jane Green

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Tempting Fate: A Novel, by Jane Green

From the New York Times bestselling author of such beloved novels as Jemima J, The Beach House, and Another Piece of My Heart comes an enthralling and emotional story about how much we really understand the temptations that can threaten even the most idyllic of relationships….

Gabby and Elliott have been happily married for eighteen years. They have two teenaged daughters. They have built a life together. Forty-three year old Gabby is the last person to have an affair. She can't relate to the way her friends desperately try to cling to the beauty and allure of their younger years…And yet she too knows her youth is quickly slipping away. She could never imagine how good it would feel to have a handsome younger man show interest in her―until the night it happens. Matt makes Gabby feel sparkling, fascinating, alive―something she hasn't felt in years. What begins as a long-distance friendship soon develops into an emotional affair as Gabby discovers her limits and boundaries are not where she expects them to be. Intoxicated, she has no choice but to step ever deeper into the allure of attraction and attention, never foreseeing the life-changing consequences that lie ahead. If she makes one wrong move she could lose everything―and find out what really matters most.

A heartfelt and complex story, Tempting Fate will have readers gripped until they reach the very last page and have them thinking about the characters long after they put the book down.

  • Sales Rank: #69021 in Books
  • Brand: Green, Jane
  • Published on: 2014-11-04
  • Released on: 2014-11-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.21" h x 1.10" w x 5.47" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 384 pages

From Booklist
Popular chick-lit author Green (Family Pictures, 2013) tackles another hot issue for women in her new outing: temptation outside of marriage. Gabby Cartwright is a happily married mother of two who meets an attractive man a decade her junior while out for a night with her girlfriends. Gabby has an instantaneous and powerful connection with Matt, an entrepreneur with a successful website. Though nothing happens the first night they meet, Matt begins e-mailing Gabby, and she finds herself looking forward to his messages and responding in the middle of the night while her husband, Elliot, sleeps. Though Elliot is a devoted husband and loving father, Gabby hasn’t quite forgiven him for having a vasectomy and denying her the third child she’s been longing for. Given the book’s title, readers might have an inkling of what to expect when Elliot goes to a conference out of town, leaving Gabby on her own for the weekend, but Green takes things in interesting directions as she deftly explores the aftermath of Gabby’s rash, impulsive decision, making her latest a captivating cautionary tale. HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: A substantial initial printing, author appearances, book-club call-ins, and many other media and online promotions will mobilize best-selling Green’s large, social-media-stoked fan base. --Kristine Huntley


“A Scarlet Letter for the twenty-first century.” ―Kirkus Reviews

“Captivating” ―Booklist

“Green once more proves her skill at exploring the complexities of the human heart. This is a sure bet for her fans and new readers who enjoy well-written women's fiction.” ―Library Journal, starred review

“Green skillfully depicts a woman trapped between contentment and temptation, crafting an insightful look into married life and middle age.” ―Publishers Weekly

“If you're in the mood for a juicy, heartbreaking page-turner, you should definitely give it a try.” ―OKMagazine.com

“Likely to stir debate and lively book club discussions.” ―Danbury News Times

“Her compelling tale reflects an understanding of contemporary women that's acute and compassionate, served up with style.” ―People magazine

About the Author
JANE GREEN is the author of more than a dozen bestselling novels, including Another Piece of My Heart and Family Pictures. Originally from London, she now lives in Westport, Connecticut, with her husband, children, and a menagerie of animals.

Most helpful customer reviews

113 of 127 people found the following review helpful.
Predictable story about a dislikable person
By Julia Flyte
Gabby is 43 and loves her husband Elliott dearly. He is her soulmate, even though he refused to have the third child that she badly wanted. They never fight. Oh, except about the absence of the third child. And he never annoys her except when he works long hours. Or when he snores. And they hardly ever have sex, except sometimes when they have sex twice a day. Even then, she doesn't make much of an effort, except sometimes when she does. So after 20 years together, maybe things have lost a little of their magic. Her teenage and pre-teen daughter keep her at a distance, except sometimes when they don't. She is intimidated by a very organised mother that she knows and dislikes her because once Gabby lied to her to look better but got caught out so now she feels like she's not as good a mother as she should be. She doesn't work but judges mothers who help out at school a lot because they don't have a life. Can you tell that I disliked her intensely?

One night out with the girls, Gabby gets chatting to a handsome younger man who just happens to be the multi-millionaire founder of a famous website - oh and crazy about her. But she's happily married, so she should be immune to attraction - or is she?

If this description hasn't driven you crazy, you may well enjoy this novel. It hums along at a good pace and probably most women in long term relationships will identify in some way with Gabby's dilemma. However I couldn't get past my dislike of the lead character. She's incredibly self-centered and shallow. We keep being told how confident and amazing she is, but we never feel it for ourselves. However it is very much the kind of book where everything gets spelled out for you, what people are thinking and feeling and lots of information about the brands they use or wear. There are so many good books out there that I'm annoyed with myself for wasting a day of my life in this one. Jane Green has definitely written better.

16 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
What Has Happened to Jane Green?
By Wendy Kaplan
I cannot believe that Jane Green, MY Jane Green, whose novels I have enjoyed for years, wrote this hackneyed, ridiculous book. I don't even know where to begin...the premise is ridiculous, the characters are clichéd and unreal, the writing is mediocre. I have the feeling that Jane is now on some sort of horrendous deadline forced on her by her publisher, and is racing to "create" books at top speed. That's the kindest explanation I can think of.

I won't belabor the plot here, as many have done so, but suffice to say that I didn't believe a word of it. Yes, OK, housewife hits her 40s, sees her life passing by, becomes infatuated with a younger man, OK...been there, read that, I get it. But the outcome? REALLY, Jane? REALLY? Can this be the same author who has used insightful, witty humor for years to describe women's everyday problems? Or is this some sort of fantasy. If so, it fell flat.

32 of 36 people found the following review helpful.
chick-lit story about infidelity and love.
By Sarah
(Source: I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read-to-review basis. Thanks to Penguin Books (UK) and Netgalley.)
43-year-old Gabby is flattered when on a girls-night-out she is chatted up by a younger, good-looking man. Gabby is happily married though, with two daughters, and she isn’t about to have an affair.

Then Gabby receives an email from this guy – Matt, and suddenly they are exchanging flirty emails and texts, and Gabby agrees to meet with him again.
Gabby isn’t going to cheat though is she? Could she really live with the guilt of being unfaithful to her husband? And if she does, what will the consequences be?

This book was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster – one that I certainly hope to never have to ride personally!

Gabby was an interesting character, but I was so mad at her for the situation she got herself into! It wasn’t even as if she had a bad marriage or a bad home life, admittedly she had wanted a third child and her husband had not, but still – she loved her husband, and he loved her, they had a beautiful house, 2 beautiful kids, and a great relationship, and she had to go and ruin it.

The storyline in this book was okay, but I have to say that I really hate it when people cheat, and I really hate reading stories about people who cheat. I immediately felt uncomfortable at the way Gabby was behaving in the bar with this other man, and I felt that her emails to him, their texting, and meeting was as much of a betrayal to her husband as was her sleeping with him. Although they only actually slept together once, the relationship went on for a lot longer, and being emotionally unfaithful is just as bad as being physically unfaithful, maybe worse in fact because she had allowed feelings to grow.

As the story went on I couldn’t help but be mad at Gabby for the situation she had put herself and her family in, and I hated that even in hind-sight she didn’t really regret what she had done! Even though she knew that what she had done was wrong, she didn’t really seem to appreciate that the difficulties she was facing were basically all her own doing!

The ending of this one was thankfully happy, and I could see how that would happen, because even if a person has been unfaithful it doesn’t immediately stop you from loving them. I can honestly say, that even though this book had a happy ending, if a random guy in a bar tries to chat me up in the future, I am getting the hell out of there, and going home to drink alcohol and eat ice cream instead!
Overall; a chick-lit story about infidelity and love.
7.5 out of 10.

See all 401 customer reviews...

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[A347.Ebook] Ebook Download Tempting Fate: A Novel, by Jane Green Doc
[A347.Ebook] Ebook Download Tempting Fate: A Novel, by Jane Green Doc

Jumat, 28 November 2014

[L942.Ebook] Get Free Ebook From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes,

Get Free Ebook From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes,

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From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes,

From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes,

From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes,

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From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes,

Drawing on the experiences of hundreds of real parents and the expertise of doctors, midwives and other birth and baby pros, this indispensable resource is filled with the most accurate and up-to-date information about having and caring for a baby, including:

Decisions, Decisions:
A judgment-free breakdown of every major choice, including prenatal testing, natural vs. medical childbirth, circumcision, breast or bottle feeding, and work/life options

The Endless No:
What not to eat, take, and do when you’re pregnant-get the real facts behind the prohibitions

I Want My Life Back:
Anxiety, regret, ambivalence, and other rarely discussed postpartum emotions

Parents and partners:
A look beyond the one-size-fits-all approach to family, with strategies for minimizing perfect-parent pressure and managing your real-life relationships through the changes

Sorting Through the Voices:
A user-friendly guide to the dueling gurus, trendy techniques, and conflicting theories that confuse new parents

A forward-thinking book that includes a wide range of voices and approaches, From the Hips reflects the many ways of being pregnant and parenting without suggesting that there is one right way.

  • Sales Rank: #112210 in Books
  • Brand: Random House
  • Published on: 2007-05-22
  • Released on: 2007-05-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.10" h x .75" w x 7.30" l, 2.03 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 400 pages
  • Great product!

From Publishers Weekly
Neither Odes nor Morris is a doctor, but as eager authors and recent mothers themselves, they aim, in this chick-friendly guide, to dish out Internet-accessible information and you-go-girl supportive advice. Their approach is to consider the authorities with a mere grain of salt, while seeking a supportive environment in which to nurture one's pregnancy and child-rearing. And while sorting through the opinions along the way, from choosing a health-care provider, coping with loss, birthing strategies, breastfeeding and sex, and baby-care basics, among other topics, the authors provide on most pages plentiful belly-shaped bubbles containing lively quotes from "anonymoms." Hear the mothers from the trenches express what they really feel, from one mom who enthuses, "The belly—I loved everything about it, and it makes people—strangers, even—feel enthralled with you") to the sadly modern refrain of another, "Sometimes I bury myself in work so I don't feel the sadness, fatigue and stress of having the baby waiting for me at home." The authors' are upbeat and well informed, and their useful back-of-the-book references address sensitive specific needs such as adoption and surrogacy, teen and older parents, and breastfeeding controversies. (May)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

“Incredibly important reading for anyone about to have a baby…From the Hips gives you what you need to make informed decisions, shares experiences from other parents that will make you laugh, and reveals many of the secrets our mothers didn't tell us.”

–Rosalind Wiseman, author of Queen Bee Moms and Wannabe Dads

“What every new parent needs–a ton of expert advice, presented with humor and zero negativity, from two moms who instantly feel like your best friends. This is the one pregnancy guide that new parents will actually want to read."
–Leslie Morgan Steiner, editor of Mommy Wars and The Washington Post's online work/family column, “On Balance”

“From The Hips is a deeply refreshing, honest look at the profound changes we undergo during pregnancy and beyond. Ceridwen and Rebecca unabashedly go into areas that other guides shy away from, offering support to every kind of prospective mother. Being pregnant and having a child is alternately the most beautiful, complex, difficult, rewarding experience a woman can imagine. This book gives it straight and from all sides, without judgment, and with irreverent humor and candor from its authors.”

-Gwyneth Paltrow

“Supportive, positive, real, and rarely preachy…Finally a reference guide for parents that treats us like we have brains.”
- Bust Magazine

The honest talk about epidurals and C-sections, including anonymous quotes from moms, is must-read info for anyone planning a hospital birth. In fact, the book is full of frank advice about most of today's biggest hurdles for pregnant women, from going back to work to breastfeeding in public... At every step, it addresses not just what you'll be going through physically, but what you and your partner might be addressing emotionally, too. Cheers to this realistic take on the lifestyle change that is pregnancy and parenthood.
- Pregnancy Magazine

About the Author
Rebecca Odes is the coauthor and illustrator of the bestselling sex/life guide, Deal with It! A Whole New Approach to Your Body, Brain, and Life as a gURL. She lives in New York City with her husband and children.
Ceridwen Morrisis a writer and mother living in New York City.

Most helpful customer reviews

18 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
Fun, refreshing, non-judgmental
By Liz Chalmers
I am a childbirth educator and mom of four. I've read almost every pregnancy and childbirth book that's out there. From the Hips is my new favorite. It's easy to read, amusing, and packed with well presented options with none of the preachy, prescriptive tone of so many parenting books. For example, birth options--hospital/birth center/homebirth; midwife/OB--are explained factually and fairly leaving the reader to decide what feels right for her. I love the many "Anonymom" quotes sprinkled throughout the book--makes it feel like a community effort.

My only criticism of the book is the riotous use of color--it's fun but at times too intense and intrusive. Not enough of a distraction to lower my 5 star recommendation though.

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Finally a breath of fresh air
By A. Wallace
Upon reading this book for the first time this evening, I am so relieved. I am in my first trimester of my first pregnancy and, after getting "What to Expect" for my first reference, I was left feeling overwhelmed and inadequate right from the start. From the Hips is fun, frank, informative and well organized. This book is so much better than the others -- it even inspired me to write my very first review on Amazon.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Very refreshing!
By Mari
I am pregnant with my first child. I picked this book up from my library and am now going to buy it for anyone else I know who gets pregnant.

If you are like me, you tend to fantasize about all the fun and games and great expectations of having a baby. And, while you do also have doubts and worries, you tend to push those to one side because you think they are "unnatural" or "not healthy." But, the truth is, new parents really need to know what is involved in the REALITY of having a child. Friends and relatives who have had babies may tell you some things, but often they romanticize the process either because they really don't remember how hard it was or, they don't want to scare you/talk badly about their children.

This book was great because it gave me the feeling that even if things don't go the way I had envisioned that doesn't make me a failure or a bad mom. Sometimes we react to this huge life-change in ways we never expected. I like that this book presents you with all sorts of possibilities--good and bad--and assures you that we all just do the best we can.

I would not make this the ONLY book a new mother reads, but definitely put it on your MUST list. It will make the road a little easier to waddle :)

See all 81 customer reviews...

From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes, PDF
From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes, EPub
From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes, Doc
From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes, iBooks
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[L942.Ebook] Get Free Ebook From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes, Doc
[L942.Ebook] Get Free Ebook From the Hips: A Comprehensive, Open-Minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent, by Rebecca Odes, Doc

Minggu, 23 November 2014

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El Hombre de La Luna (Moon Man) (Historias Para Dormir) (Spanish Edition), by Tomi Ungerer

  • Sales Rank: #4915606 in Books
  • Published on: 2000-01-01
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .17" h x 6.04" w x 5.08" l, .20 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 40 pages

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Jumat, 21 November 2014

[I716.Ebook] Fee Download Teacher Education and Professional Development in TESOL: Global Perspectives (Global Research on Teaching and Learning English)From Rout

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Teacher Education and Professional Development in TESOL: Global Perspectives (Global Research on Teaching and Learning English)From Rout

At the forefront of research on English language teacher education and professional development, this volume presents new empirical research situated in different contexts around the world, including Canada, Denmark, Israel, Japan, Korea, Qatar, Sudan, and the U.S. It is framed by the volume editors’ insightful overview and analyses of previous and ongoing work in a variety of related domains and an epilogue by David Nunan. The chapter studies are organized around three themes: teacher identity in ESL/EFL teacher education and professional development programs, second language teacher education programs for diverse contexts, and professional development for diverse contexts.

All chapters focus on the applied nature of the research and include a section on implications. To provide balance and a range of views, the volume includes both chapters reporting on empirical research funded by TIRF grant recipients and several from invited authors who are senior scholars in the field. This is the third volume in the Global Research on Teaching and Learning English Series, co-published by Routledge and TIRF.

  • Published on: 2016-03-07
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .75" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 326 pages

About the Author

JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall is Professor Emerita of Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA. She is a past president of TESOL International, WATESOL, and AAAL, and a founding and current member of the TIRF Board of Trustees.

MaryAnn Christison is Professor, Department of Linguistics/Urban Institute for Teacher Education at the University of Utah, USA. She is a member of the TIRF Board of Trustees and a past president of TESOL International Association.

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Rabu, 19 November 2014

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Leadership: Leaders, Followers, Environments

  • Sales Rank: #8371355 in Books
  • Published on: 1601
  • Binding: Paperback

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Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science, by Mackenzie L Davis Susan J Masten

Paperback. Pub Date: November 2008 Pages: 784 Language: English Publisher: Tsinghua University Press of Environmental Science and Engineering Principles (2nd edition) system introduces the principles and methods of Environmental Science and Engineering. The contents of the book include: chemical and biological principles. the balance of matter and energy. ecosystem. risk perception. assessment and management. hydrology. sustainable energy. mineral resources and soil resources. water quality management. water and wastewater treatment. air pollution . solid waste engineering. hazardous waste management. noise pollution. ionizing radiation. Book with extensive examples. with each chapter in this chapter review. exercises. discussions. and References. Environmental science and engineering principles (2) has the following characteristics: comprehensive focus on environmental issu...

  • Published on: 2009
  • Binding: Paperback

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Selasa, 04 November 2014

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The philosopher Jurgen Haberman claims that "modernism is dominant but dead". A corollary might be : "Islam is despised but thriving". The short essays in this collection give thanks for this defining irony of our culture, and out flesh on a hundred bones of contention. 1. Augustine: man's deformity. Ishmael: his deiformity. (Defy, don't deify.) 2. Peace without justice is not peace at all. 3. A faqih in first class? And pigs will fly ... 4. The Dajjal will only be king when only the blind are left in the valley. 5. British Islam: 'We came as rebels, and found ourselves to be heirs.' (Gershom Scholem) 6. The Liber Asian is the reconciliation between Edom and Juda-yi Ism. 7. Your greatest liability is your lie-ability. 8. No-one is more extroverted than the contemplative saint. 9. Modernity: an accelerating attempt to shovel matter into the growing hole where religion used to be. 10. The Liber Asian vs. the Manu Mission: a woman may be Arahat on Arafat.

  • Sales Rank: #1159904 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-08-01
  • Dimensions: 8.46" h x .35" w x 5.39" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 176 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Beautiful, witty, elegent and a rare gem
By LoveShopping
Shaikh Abdal Hakim writes with incredulous encyclopedic references from theology, history, philosophy, literature, science and rationale to enhance and deliver lateral observations on present and past. This book is a rare jewel and must read. It is a gushing waterfall to sooth our soul in a world that is complex, entangled, confused, and competing to establish deviations as the norm. It is a reminder and pathway to maintain the beautiful and appealing message of Islam in a world where the very word is feared, reviled and despised.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
An ocean of knowledge for a cheap price
By Juste ANDRE
This little book (less than 200 pages) is a janus :
on one hand, it represents a state of the art of neo-traditionnalism, with the question of the mutual discovery between modernity and the presence of a true islam (i-d profound) now in occident, with the necessary summary of their respective basis;

on the other hand, it interrogates shaykh AHM's career and the standard of knowledge and understanding that modern muslim thinkers will have to achieve in order to be useful for the community (muslims and non muslims alike).

My question, as a french, would be : what would have been the flavor of this book if the writer had been French ?
(I realized that a work of "translation" from muslim british to muslim french has to be done, even if there is, of course, a part of common culture)

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Georgiana
A great book transmitting subtle ideas that I never thought of. Very beautiful, enriching, full of love.

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Minggu, 02 November 2014

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Gift of the Phoenix, by Donna Cook

A nation's fate rests in the hands of three strangers, thrust together by their common destiny to protect the Phoenix, and their world, from destruction. The Three must learn to unite in spite of what separates them, and unlock the magic of three stones that seem to harm as much as they help. Their journey leads them through unexpected doors. Along the way they encounter a cursed people, a haunting vision, a woman on the run. It all begins and ends with the gift of the Phoenix.

  • Sales Rank: #2044375 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Penrose House Press
  • Published on: 2012-09-19
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.99" h x 1.30" w x 5.24" l, 1.44 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 582 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Impressive and imaginative debut novel
By S. J. Dagg
The Gift of the Phoenix by Donna Cook is an increcibly impressive book that grips you from the very start, where we meet Nashua who is taking part in the ceremony to receive the gift of the phoenix. However, it goes terribly wrong but Nashua manages to salvage something from the ashes. It's not until twelve hundred years later that she is able to pass on these items to three men, strangers to begin with, whose job it now becomes to protect the phoenix and their land from great evil. There is plenty of action in the story, some wonderful characters and magical, atmospheric settings. Donna has created a fascinating realm in this story which, even if you don't consider yourself a fantasty fan, you'll definitely enjoy.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Great New Author
By Patrick
Emily Dickinson wrote:

"There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry."

Donna Cook grabs you by the scruff of you neck, plants
you on your steed, and tears away. Hang on and enjoy
the ride! It is a trip well worth taking.

I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful romp by a new author,
and highly recommend it. It is a quick read and well crafted.
I will read it again and look forward to more of her work.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful, Imaginative Story, A Great Read
By Amazon Customer
The story of three characters brought together not by choice but fate needing to overcome their misgivings and lack of faith in each other as they puzzle together the mysteries of the phoenix and the threat that threatens them all. This book was great it kept me guessing. The characters felt real in their interactions with one another. I was constantly trying to guess where the book would take me next. It was a wonderful journey.

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The Get It Together Guide for Figuring Out What to Do with Your Life Roadmap (Paperback) - Common, by Roadtrip Nation and Brian McAllister


  • Published on: 2015
  • Binding: Paperback

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